A Message To Sto-Rox Alumni, Community

Dear Sto-Rox School District Community:

We are sorry. An idea that started with our best intentions, a salute to our Sto-Rox alumni during the season-opening football game, simply did not pan out the way we hoped. There are multiple reasons for that, and we will address them here. 

This event had been planned for weeks by school administrators and volunteers. We tried to communicate each step we took–including the security measures that we were putting in place–on the district website and social media platforms. Regretfully, not everyone got the message. We depend on every member of the Sto-Rox School District community to hear us, and if that is not happening, then we need to do more. We are here to listen.

We empathize with those of you who had to wait a long time to attend Friday night’s game. In light of community violence this past year, we wanted to make sure our stadium was secure. While we understand it was frustrating to be stuck waiting in line while the Vikings’ season opener kicked off, we do not want our student-athletes, coaches, teachers, and fans to be put at any risk. We are committed to making the security screening process more smooth as time goes on.

We value you and your contributions, and we regret we could not properly display it on Friday night. Moving forward, we will continue to look for ways to honor you and your contributions to this community. We realize the need to honor our past, appreciate the present, and prepare for the future. 

Thank you for your understanding. We hope you will continue to work with us as we strive to make Sto-Rox an even better place to learn and live. 


Megan Marie Van Fossan
