Back-to-School Letter: Upper Elementary

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this letter finds you and your families in good health and high spirits. As we enter a new academic year, I am delighted to welcome you and your child to SRUE for what promises to be an exciting and fulfilling journey together. Here at Sto-Rox Upper Elementary School (SRUE), we are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential this school year. After all, in order for your child to be successful, they will need both the support of home and school. When home and school work together, we create a team that provides the best support for your child’s achievement. We ask that you partner with us to guide and support your child’s learning at school by ensuring that he/she:

  1. Comes to school on time each day: SRUE start time is 8:15 and pick-up/departure is 2:40.  

  2. Gets a good night's sleep.  

  3. Completes all assignments given by teachers.  

  4. Reads daily to improve reading skills and foster a love of reading.

  5. Shares school experiences with you so that you are aware of what your child is doing in school.

  6. Keeps up with your child’s grades by signing up for the parent version of Google Classroom and Go Edustar.  For help signing up, please contact our main office at 412-771-3213 ext. 2000. 

We welcome the new 4th graders and new 5th and 6th students to the SRUE building! We look forward to getting to know you and having you as part of our SRUE family. For those 5th and 6th graders returning to SRUE, we are glad to have you back in the building. The first day of school will begin on Monday, August 28, 2023. More information will come out on technology in one of our summer weekly newsletters. If you are not receiving those emails with the weekly newsletters, call the office at 412-771-3213 ext. 2000. The newsletters will be posted on the district website as well at (Upper Elementary page).

Staying connected is very important. We have developed several ways to communicate information, events and the exciting things happening at school. We post on our district Facebook page (Sto-Rox School District), and our district website ( on the Sto-Rox Upper Elementary page, (found under Schools at the top tab on the website), and phone blasts. This year we are going to start emailing and providing monthly newsletters (posted to Facebook and SRUE Website). We also have a Twitter page (Sto-Rox Upper Elementary). It is important that you keep your email, address and phone number up-to-date with the school.

SRUE hours are 8:15-2:40 for students. Please see information below about drop off and pick-up.  Students will be dropped off at the main doors to go through bag check each morning. You can not drop your child off before 8:15. There will not be staff there to watch your child.  Pick-up is on the parking lot side of the building. Please form a circle around the cars. Guidelines for pick up are listed below:  


  1. No student will be released to an adult that is not in our Student Systems (Please make sure you update this yearly.).  

  2. Pick-up is at the side door by the loop with a school staff member.  The adult must have a sign-out card (staff will vary so if there is a new staff at the door you will be asked for the card).

  3. You can get a Raptor Sign-Out Card at the Main Office by using your driver’s license.  

  4. Please line up around the parked cards and move forward when directed by the staff member.  

  5. Pick-up time is at 2:40. Please arrive on time to pick up your child. If you do not arrive by 2:55, pick-up will be in the main office. The office will close at 3:15. Please call the main office to let them know you are running late.

Transportation letters are included in the mailing. Please make sure you review the transportation information included. If there are any changes to transportation that you would like to request, please contact Transportation office prior to the first day of school at #412-771-3213 ext. 5217.

Open House is scheduled for August 23rd from 5-7 p.m. This is an informational meet and greet event for parents and staff! More information will be sent by email, in our weekly summer newsletter and on the district website. Hope to see you at Open House!

We are honored to have the opportunity to lead SRUE to great things this year. We look forward to working with every one of you as a team to help each child at SRUE meet their goals and have a successful year. If at any time you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Heather Johnston - 412-771-3213 ext. 2000 or or Tim Liparulo at 412-771-3213 ext. 2000 or


Heather Johnston     Timothy Liparulo

Principal K-6                      Assistant Principal 4-6