Band Camp Update; More Drilling & Kennywood!

Band camp for the Sto-Rox Marching Band is entering its second week; below is a message from Band Director Loujaue McPherson. Please take note of the updated band camp times and information related to the band’s performance at Kennywood on Thursday. Band camp runs from Monday through Wednesday this week.


We are entering the second week of band camp. Besides working on the field show we need to prepare for the parade at Kennywood on Thursday. Remember, we will be doing marching basics. You need proper foot ware for marching. No flip-flops or Crocs, please. We also need wind players to show for week two! Camp times are from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Additionally, the lunch room will not provide lunch for the next week. You must bring your own lunch. Please bring non-carbonated beverages.

We plan on leaving for Kennywood park Thursday at Noon. After the parade we will pack up and head back to Sto-Rox Jr./Sr. High School. You will need to bring money for food and anything else you will want to buy while you’re there. Food and drinks are the responsibility of each individual band member.

A final note: Bring your friends! We need more people, and we are looking for color guard members.

- Jay McPherson