Black History Month Continues With Sto-Rox Spirit Week, Programs

UPDATE, 2/17/23: Check out the flyers pictured here and at right for details on Black History Month events at Sto-Rox schools. Among the new highlights:
• Next week is Black History Month Spirit Week across the district! Check out the schedule - there is something interesting happening every day with a connection to Black history.
• The Sto-Rox Upper Elementary Black History Program will take place Friday, February 24 at 1:00 p.m. in the Upper Elementary gym. Parents, come and see the projects your children have been working on over the past few weeks. We can't wait to experience it all together! Note: No bags or purses are allowed inside the building.
• There will also be a Black History Month Celebration at the Jr./Sr. High School on Tuesday, February 28.

DOWNLOAD: Black History Month Spirit Week Schedule - PDF
DOWNLOAD: Black History Month Celebration Flyer - PDF

UPDATE, 2/6/23: The Black History Month Celebration at the Upper Elementary will take place Friday, February 24 from 1-2 p.m. Parents are invited! Watch this space for further details.

2/1/23: February is Black History Month, a time to recognize the achievements of African-Americans and their role in U.S. history. Since 1976, The White House has designated the second month of the year as a time to reflect and honor the role of African-Americans in our society. Sto-Rox School District will take steps throughout the month to recognize the contributions of African-American figures throughout history.


At the Upper Elementary, students will work on research projects for Black History Month ahead of the school’s annual Black History Celebration, to which parents are invited. Those projects started at the end of January in the wake of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and in the past has included things like a Black History wax museum, periodic table, and quilt. Sto-Rox alumni will also come to the Black History Celebration to give words of advice to students. There will also be many other projects, lessons, and celebrations throughout the district during February, so check the Sto-Rox website and social media channels for updates.

RELATED: Sto-Rox Honors Martin Luther King Jr.