College Visits, Commitments Continue For Football Team

Jenkins and DiMichele pose with the trophy Holy Cross won as a result of Saturday’s game.

Good things continue to happen for the Sto-Rox Vikings High School Football Team. Check out these two great stories ahead of the Vikings’ first-round WPIAL playoff game against Riverside on Friday night.


Senior Quarterback Josh Jenkins visited the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts over the weekend. Josh toured the campus and the athletic training facilities, as he decides where to learn and play next year. Josh also attended the Holy Cross football game, where the Crusaders beat the Fordham Rams in a thrilling game that went to overtime, 53-52. The trophy in the photos is from the Crusaders’ big win!

We would like to thank Anthony DiMichele, Sto-Rox Class of 2007, who is now a coach for Holy Cross. He coordinated this great experience and opportunity for Josh. Please check out his bio page on the Holy Cross website.


On Wednesday, Sto-Rox offensive lineman/defensive end/long snapper David Taravella committed to Wheeling University and its football team, the Cardinals. We wish him the best of luck in the playoffs and in his future football and educational pursuits!