District Statement on Incident at Upper Elementary

Dear Sto-Rox Community,

We want to inform you about an incident that took place Friday, January 27 at Sto-Rox Upper Elementary. Midday an administrator was alerted to a teacher in distress. The administrator and other staff members quickly worked to assess the teacher’s condition, isolate them, and take them to the office. Staff members called 911.  

Sto-Rox School District takes seriously the health and well-being of its staff and students, and we strive to ensure our schools are as safe as possible. Once we were alerted to this situation, we put our related policies and procedures into effect. The district encourages any parent or guardian who has concerns about today’s incident to reach out to school administration.

We will pass along more updates as the situation warrants. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation at this time. 

Megan Marie Van Fossan, M.A. M.Ed.