District Statement on Security Incident at Jr./Sr. High School

Dear Sto-Rox Parents/Guardians,

We would like to inform you about an incident that happened outside Sto-Rox Jr./Sr. High School after the school day. There was a fight between a group of individuals who came to the building and a group of current students. During the incident one of the individuals, who is not a Jr./Sr. High School student, dropped a gun from their waistband. In turn, our security guard pulled her weapon in protection of our students and staff.

Stowe Township Police were contacted and they are now investigating. The district’s highest priority is keeping students and staff safe. Our security guards followed procedure to make sure no one was hurt.

We would like to remind the Sto-Rox School District community that there is no place for weapons on campus. We must all do our part to keep Sto-Rox schools safe for every learner and staff member, and that includes cooperation from community members.

We encourage anyone with concerns to reach out to the administration.


Megan Marie Van Fossan, M.A. M.Ed.
Superintendent of Schools


DOWNLOAD: Statement (PDF)
DOWNLOAD: Statement (Word)