Extra Food-Related Money Secured for Sto-Rox Students

Sto-Rox School District recently secured more federal grant money for students at the Primary Center and Upper Elementary. The district obtained an extra $5 per student through the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). The revised grants for the 2022-2023 school year show Sto-Rox schools received more than $50,000 from the FFVP, money that is managed and distributed by the state of Pennsylvania.

This federal program works with states and schools to encourage students to try new fruits and vegetables - think kiwi, radishes, squashes - and it is one way the USDA works to fight childhood obesity. The program allows students to taste and learn about non-traditional fruits and vegetables to stimulate their minds and stomachs. So, the next time your Sto-Rox student comes home raving about the cool new food at school - you’ll know why!

MORE INFORMATION: Sto-Rox Food Services
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program