Local Restorative Practice Program Coming To Upper Elementary

A Pittsburgh-based program focusing on restorative practices in the classroom is coming Sto-Rox Upper Elementary School. Sto-Rox has secured funding from the “Just Discipline Project” for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years, with the potential for renewal in the 2024-25 school year.

“Just Discipline Project” is based at the University of Pittsburgh’s Center on Race and Social Problems. The program’s focus is on restorative practices, which is a science that looks at how to improve and repair relationships. In this case, that approach will be happening in Upper Elementary classrooms with the goal of reducing the need for exclusionary discipline - and increasing student achievement.

The program will include a full time, in-house restorative practitioner who will train and support teachers, lead restorative work, and support student leaders who are also trained in restorative practices. Just Discipline has grown over the five years to serve more than 2,500 students in five local schools.



Just Discipline Project Website

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