Staff Spotlight: Erica Taylor

Everyone in the Sto-Rox School District community has a role to play in preparing students for the future, whether you’re in front of a blackboard, roaming a sideline, or interacting with students on a daily basis. Enter Erica Taylor, the new guidance secretary for the Jr./Sr. High School and the central registrar for the district.


Taylor joined the district last month. A Washington County native, she graduated from Canon-MacMillan High School in 2011. Taylor went on to Community College of Allegheny County, but she soon realized the classroom was not where she wanted to be.


“To sit me down with a book is not ideal. I’m more of a hands-on learner,” she said.


With that in mind, Taylor left CCAC to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. Most recently, she worked at Allegheny Health Network in the department of neurosurgery as a health management coordinator. Taylor’s experience informs her interactions with students in her new role.


“I have a lot of 12th graders that come in, eat their lunch or have their advisory, and some 11th graders, and I always just engage with them, she said. “What’s your path after high school, what are you looking for? What are you interested in?”


Taylor said students have many options to continue learning. As a bonus, they can make money while they do it.


“There’s local unions that kids can go to and do an apprenticeship for four years and get paid for that,” she explained. From carpenters to plumbers, there are many different avenues for students.


Taylor is also responsible for registering new Sto-Rox students. It’s a responsibility she has firmly grasped after only a month on the job.


 “It’s a fairly easy process,” she said. “Just filling out information of (your) children, and then making sure you have your proofs of residency and child’s birth certificate.” Taylor stressed she is here to help. “They can find applications online, or to stop in to (the office) to get the applications, and with any questions they may have.”


As for the best part her job? She said it’s all about the students.


“It’s rewarding to know that sometimes, them just seeing you be here and make a difference and be able to help them, puts a smile of their face.”


Taylor won’t wind down when the school year ends, either. The activity she is most looking forward to? Learning.


“Just learning how things work…learning [Sto-Rox] protocols, and back-to-school, and getting things ready for the next school year.”


As the school year winds down, it appears Sto-Rox students – both present and future - are in good hands.


Erica Taylor can be reached in the guidance office at Sto-Rox Jr./Sr. High School.

Phone: 412-771-3213, ext. 4100
