Updated With Photos, Video: Remake Learning & More in Sto-Rox!

UPDATE, 5/17/24: Thanks to everyone who showed up on Wednesday for this event. Special thanks goes to our friends from the STEM Coding Lab, TEN (The Efficiency Network) and Communicycle, and Highmark Wholecare. They, along with partners like Lifewise Academy and our administrative, teaching, and food service teams truly helped get this event rolling. We would also like to thank Marie Pagnotta, MPH, CPSTI, the Community Programs Educator for Injury Prevention at Safe Kids Allegheny County for UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh for helping to coordinate bike helmets - from an anonymous donor - for the children receiving bikes! Check out the video and photos from Wednesday’s event at the Upper Elementary, below:

STEM Coding Lab
The Efficiency Network
Highmark Wholecare
Safe Kids Allegheny County/UPMC Children’s Hospital

ORIGINAL POST, 5/3/24: Sto-Rox School District is proud to be part of Remake Learning Days 2024! The district will host a Title I Event on Wednesday, May 15 at Sto-Rox Upper Elementary from 5 - 7:30 p.m. The district has partnered with STEM Coding Lab to provide robotics-related activities for children in grades K-8. Children and families will be able to learn about computer science from Google employees and engage in digital literacy activities. We hope you can join us! You can register for this free event at the link below.

LINK: Remake Learning Days ‘Ready for Robots’ Event

Additionally, the district will also host events with two other community partners around the same time that ‘Ready for Robots’ is taking place.

Highmark Farmers Market
Highmark Wholecare will host a free farmers market event at the Upper Elementary from 5 - 7 p.m. Thousands of pounds of fruits and vegetables will be available, and the food is first-come, first-serve. Highmark is working with the district and Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank to secure and distribute the food, and we thank them for their efforts! A second free farmers market will take place on Tuesday, May 21 from 12:30 - 3 p.m. at the Jr./Sr. High School. All members of the community are welcome at both events.

Communicycle Bike Giveaway
Our friends at Communicycle will also be at the Upper Elementary from 5 - 7 p.m. to hand out bicycles to local families. People who would like a bicycle can register at communicycle.org.

We can’t wait to see you on May 15, whether you’re looking for a robotics lesson, some fresh food, or a bike!