Sto-Rox Response To School Funding Ruling

A ruling that will affect Sto-Rox and many other Pennsylvania school districts was issued Tuesday by Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Judge Renee Cohn Jubelirer. She ruled the state’s system of funding public schools is unconstitutional, violating students’ rights to an effective education.

Sto-Rox Superintendent Megan Van Fossan has supported - and continues to advocate for - the efforts that led to this landmark ruling. Years ago, she testified before the state House Education subcommittee about Pennsylvania’s school funding problems. She issued this statement regarding Tuesday’s ruling:

“Now is the time for Pennsylvania to stand strong and demand a funding formula that works for all students. We need a funding formula based on our students' actual needs. Our kids at Sto-Rox are amazing but they do not have the same opportunities as students in well-funded districts. Money does matter. We need to invest in all of our kids.”

To learn more about Tuesday’s ruling and what it means, check out this article from the Associated Press.