Sto-Rox/Parkway Students Honored as Others Take Tour

Sto-Rox students who attend Parkway West Career & Technology Center were recognized Tuesday as honor students for the first quarter of the 2023-2024 school year. Dozens of students from Sto-Rox attend Parkway West and take specialized classes in 16 disciplines. Congrats to the 17 students who achieved special recognition from Dr. Darby Copeland and the Parkway West staff!

PWCTC First Quarter Honor Students, Sto-Rox
Allen, Mar’Che • Health Occupations 
Bailey, Kiara • Health Occupations 
Bechtol, Chloe • Cosmetology 
Bond, Noah • Welding 
Davis, Shane • Diesel 
DePaolo, Gianna • Health Occupations 
Hanner, Dalasia • Health Occupations 
Hickman, Alira • Culinary 
James, Daziya • Health Occupations 
Jerome, Logan • Carpentry 
King, Eva • Culinary 
Kirk, Michelle • Health Occupations 
Lewis-Morant, Jessiah • Health Occupations 
Lukaszewicz, Eric • Electrical Systems 
Nichols, Jazzmynn • Culinary 
Pendzich, Dimia • Cosmetology 
Reel, Daniella • Welding

RELATED: Parkway West CTC Website

This comes after 7th and 8th grade students toured Parkway West on Friday as part of the school’s Career Exploration Day. Sto-Rox has worked with Parkway West to help students learn more about potential careers in the trades; the district now sends 9th graders to Parkway West in addition to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. 7th and 8th graders got to experience all sorts of classes, including the culinary arts, as you’ll see in the photos at right.

All this spring, Sto-Rox will continue to shed light on the programs and opportunities available at Parkway West. Look for monthly updates on Parkway West’s offerings!

PROGRAM PROFILES: CosmetologyHealth Care Occupations • Power Motorsports Technology