Update: Sto-Rox Wins Grant to Fund Digital Lending Library

UPDATE, 1/8/23, 3:36 p.m.: It’s official! AASA, The School Superintendents Association, has announced Sto-Rox as one of the recipients of the 2024 ASSA/Sourcewell Helping Kids Mini Grant. We can’t wait to take our $3,500 award and build our digital lending library. Look out for updates throughout this semester!

LINK: AASA/Sourcewell Mini Grants News Release


ORIGINAL POST, 12/8/23, 3;34 p.m.: Sto-Rox School District has won a $3,500 grant to help create a digital lending library at Sto-Rox Jr./Sr. High School, allowing the district to better equip students with computers. The grant, a 2024 ASSA/Sourcewell Helping Kids Mini Grant, will be delivered to the district in the next few weeks. Sto-Rox, led by Superintendent’s Chief of Staff/School Board Secretary Martha Hoover, was one of dozens of applicants whose application was selected by AASA, The School Superintendents Association.

“One of the biggest issues affecting schools in the digital world is the lack of one-to-one devices for students,” said Hoover. “When students do not have their own device and rely on shared computers, it can pose significant challenges when those devices need repairs or are otherwise unavailable. This lack of access to technology hampers equality and connectivity in the learning process.”

The district will use the money from AASA to purchase more than a dozen Google Chromebooks and education licenses to create the digital lending library. We look forward to sharing more information about this effort once it is complete, and we thank AASA for its support.

AASA is a group that supports and advocates for school leaders and their districts across the country. AASA will recognize Sto-Rox and the other grant recipients at the National Conference on Education in San Diego, California in February.