Students Raise Hundreds in 'Penny Wars'

52,589 pennies - or - $525.89. That’s how many pennies Sto-Rox Upper Elementary students raised for their upcoming Sneaker Ball on Friday, May 19 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Tickets for the dance will cost $5 apiece. The proceeds, along with the pennies, will help fund the SRUE Reward Game Room and its Needs Closet. The whole dance was planned by SRUE’s LIT - Leaders In Training - team.

RELATED: Leaders In Training Discussed at School Board Meeting

SRUE continues to ask for assistance in creating its Reward Game Room. You can learn how to donate by clicking this link. Donors Choose is hosting the fundraiser for the room that’s part of the district’s PBIS - Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports - program. It sets expectations for students to be safe, respectful and responsible inside and outside of the classroom.