Survey to Help Sto-Rox With Transition Grant

Sto-Rox School District is looking for stakeholders - students, parents, staff - to take a survey that will help the district better provide programming for students with disabilities and students with special needs. You may see flyers - like the one at right - at the Jr./Sr. High School in the coming days.

The district is working with PaTTAN and the Pennsylvania Department of Education to obtain a grant through Transition Discoveries. The grant will help Sto-Rox School District to develop programming for students in grades 7-12 as they prepare for transition after high school. The survey will provide the Sto-Rox School District with information regarding how we can improve in the area of post-secondary transition. Any parent or family of Sto-Rox students can complete the survey.

LINK TO SURVEY: Click here.
MORE INFORMATION: Transition Discoveries website