Veterans Day Message To Sto-Rox

The World War I statue stands guard outside Sto-Rox Jr./Sr. High School.

Dear Sto-Rox Community,
Today is Friday, and while it's the end of another week and Friday night football is on tap, we wanted to take a moment to say 'thank you' to our military service members. Today is Veterans Day, a federal holiday that grew out of the end of World War I. Since 1954, the United States has honored veterans of all wars on this solemn occasion each fall. We would like to thank the veterans in the Sto-Rox Community. Their sacrifices in times of both war and peace mean more to us than we can ever repay.

Thank you,
- Sto-Rox School District

Link: U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs' History of Veterans Day