100 Days Smarter: Students Celebrate Century Mark

Sto-Rox students celebrated 100 days of classroom time in several ways on Tuesday. Check out the photo galleries from Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 5th Grades. 5th Graders started the celebration with a “flip the coin” activity where students predicted their outcome and explored probability. In science class, students participated in the “100 cup tower challenge.” Groups of students collaborated to build the tallest tower, where they utilized science and engineering skills. At recess, the fifth graders organized a, “Human 100” in the gymnasium, and they enjoyed a “100 snack treat” featuring 100 pieces of their favorite snacks! It was the capper to a great day!

Photos from the second grade feature math activities, while Kindergarten classes participated in several activities - including making neckless with 100 Froot Loops! 1st Graders took part in the special day by dressing up in special clothes, including some 100-year-old getups!

5th Grade - 100 Days Photo Gallery

2nd Grade - 100 Days Photo Gallery

1st Grade - 100 Days Photo Gallery

Kindergarten - 100 Days Photo Gallery