Special Moments, Messages in 2024 Sto-Rox Senior Walk

ORIGINAL POST, 5/31/24: Here is one final look back at the Sto-Rox Senior Walk, in video form. There were a lot of great moments to capture during this charming annual tradition. Seniors, their parents and families - enjoy!

ORIGINAL POST, 5/23/24: The Sto-Rox Class of 2024 took one final, special stroll through the district’s buildings on Thursday as part of the 2024 Senior Walk. The annual event, organized by Jr./Sr. High School Spanish Teacher Ben Engelhard and district staff, featured seniors marching through the halls of the Upper Elementary, Primary Center, and the Jr./Sr. High School.

“Thank you to everyone involved in this annual event,” said Engelhard “It is truly one of the best days of the year and it could not happen without you.” Engelhard went on to thank all of the teachers and students across the district who cheered on the seniors and made personalized decorations - many of which were snapped up by the soon-to-be graduates.

RELATED: Updated - Final Days Schedule for Sto-Rox Seniors

One of the highlights of Thursday’s walk was photos of seniors - back when they were 6th graders - posted in the halls of the Upper Elementary. Many seniors stopped to look at and take photos with the photos of their former selves. Rebecca Ray, who put the presentation together, annually gives these photos to each graduating class.

Mr. Engelhard and the district would also like to thank ABC Transit for driving our seniors around the district for the Senior Walk, and the Viking Drumline for providing a booming soundtrack to the day’s activities.

The district-wide tour ended with a final spin around the Jr./Sr. High School and an “exit interview” with Superintendent Megan Van Fossan.

“Once you cross that stage, you are adults,” said Superintendent Van Fossan, referring to the graduation ceremony on Friday, May 31. “You are the future of this community.”

The superintendent stressed the importance of being a graduate, and the expectations of that role in the community.

“What you do is critical today, tomorrow and forever. You have a legacy to uphold as a graduating class of Sto-Rox Senior High School,” said Superintendent Van Fossan. “We want you to come back. We want you to share your experiences and be role models for the generations of these students. If you choose to come back and work in this district, we will welcome you back into this family with open arms.”

With that, seniors walked out of the Jr./Sr. High School Auditorium - possibly for the final time - preparing to take the first steps in a new chapter of their lives.