District to Hold Virtual Title I Meeting

The Sto-Rox School District will soon hold an all-virtual meeting on its Title I programming. This meeting will take place at Noon on Thursday, June 27 at the following link.

Google Meet (Virtual Meeting) Link: meet.google.com/aes-qqih-jvp

Title I is a federally-funded education program that provides financial assistance to improve academic opportunities for disadvantaged children. You can learn more about Title I in Sto-Rox at the below link. During the meeting on June 27, Federal Programs Coordinator (and K-6 Principal) Heather Johnston will deliver an overview of Title I programs, Sto-Rox’s federal status, and more. Johnston will also take questions about our programming and solicit ideas for parent engagement and parent training activities for the upcoming school year.

LEARN MORE: Sto-Rox Federal Programs/Title I Webpage