New Police Chief, Budget, Leadership Structure Among Board Meeting Highlights

The Sto-Rox School Board on Thursday night approved the hiring of a police chief for the newly-formed school police department. Andrew Lisiecki will take on the role. Lisiecki has a decades-long career in public service, starting as an EMT back in 1978. Since then, Lisiecki has served the city of Pittsburgh as a paramedic and a police officer, along with stints in Green Tree, North Huntingdon and West Mifflin and Ringgold School Districts.

“I’m looking forward to what you can bring to the school,” said School Board President Cam Culliver ahead of the board’s vote. “I feel like we hit kind of a gem (with you).” 

Lisiecki will supervise a police force of at least two more officers who will be hired at a later date. The addition of a school police department is part of the state recovery plan the district is engaged in. Learn more about the recovery plan here. Learn more about working for Sto-Rox School District here.

PDF: Recap of Regular Legislative Voting Meeting on 6/23/22


The school board also approved a new administrative structure for Sto-Rox School District. Heather Johnston will be principal for grades K-6. Dr. Brooke Stebler, formerly principal of the Primary Center (grades K-3), will be the Academic Principal for grades K-6, and Chris Captline will be the Assistant Principal for grades K-6.

At the Junior/Senior High School, recently hired Principal Dr. Kim Price will supervise two Assistant Principals: Mike Duca for grades 7-9 and Pam Clawson for grades 10-12.

Read more about the Jr./Sr. High School leadership team here:

Dr. Price

Ms. Clawson

Mr. Duca


 The budget for the 2022-23 school year was approved by board members on Thursday night. The $32,720,754 spending plan increases the (Real Estate Tax) millage rate to 26.325 Mills. You can read more about the budget and its taxes here. Residents are also encouraged to apply for tax relief under the Homestead Tax Exclusion.

Act 50 (Homestead) Information From Allegheny County:


Students who took part in the Jr./Sr. High School Art Show last month were honored with awards. 

1st Place: Kaysie Nagel

2nd Place: Natalie Moore

3rd Place: Catalena Mazza

Honorable Mention: Evelyn Nagel, Emma Pfennigwerth, Barry Miller

Jr./Sr. Art Show 1st Place winner Kaysie Nagel, flanked by Superintendent Megan Van Fossan (left) and Principal Kim Price (right).

Congratulations to all involved! You can see photos of their work here, when the art show took place along with the Jr./Sr. High School Spring Concert.

Jr./Sr. Art Show honorable mention Evelyn Nagel, flanked by Superintendent Megan Van Fossan (left) and Principal Kim Price (right).