Primary Center Prepares Valentine's Day Celebration, Volunteers Welcome

Below is a letter from Dr. Lisa Mumau, Sto-Rox Primary Center Principal, about the upcoming Valentine’s Day celebration on Friday, February 14. Parent/Guardian volunteers with appropriate school clearances are encouraged to help out. Interested families should reach out to their child’s teacher.

Dear SRPC Parents and Guardians, 

As Valentine’s Day approaches, we are excited to celebrate this special occasion with our students. Our school wide Valentine’s Day parties will be held on Friday, February 14, 2025 from 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. in your child’s classroom. 

Students are encouraged to participate in a Valentine card exchange and may bring in a decorated Valentine’s box or bag. Further information will be shared by your child’s homeroom teacher within the next week regarding the amount of students and any homeroom specific details. 

We welcome parent volunteers to the Primary Center (with appropriate school clearances) to assist with the party and appreciate any contributions of snacks (individually packaged with a clear ingredient label), non-food items (stickers, pencils, or themed erasers), or party supplies. If you are interested in volunteering on party day, please contact your child’s teacher. 

Some students and staff in our school may have food allergies.  Please be mindful of your child’s classroom teacher’s expectations for the party when considering sending in snacks, non-food items, or party supplies. By adhering to these classroom specific guidelines, we can work together to provide a fun party experience for all of our students.

We look forward to celebrating Valentine's Day with our students and appreciate your support in making this evening enjoyable for all students!

Please feel free to reach out to my office, should you have any questions.

Together in education,

Dr. Lisa M. Mumau

DOWNLOAD: SRPC Valentine’s Day Letter (PDF)