Sto-Rox Community Attends Town Hall Meeting On Safety

Sto-Rox School District families, community members and staff attended a town hall meeting focusing on school safety Tuesday night at Focus on Renewal in McKees Rocks.


The meeting featured a robust dialogue between school leaders and community members. Superintendent Megan Van Fossan, School Board President Cameron Culliver, Chief Recovery Officer John Zahorchak, and Allegheny Intermediate Unit Director of Safety and Security Aaron Skrbin spoke about their roles in developing the district’s safety plan.


Zahorchak walked attendees through the district’s five-year recovery plan, which was submitted and approved in April. Sto-Rox School District is facing financial challenges, including a fund balance of negative $6.6 million, that led to this recovery plan. The plan covers everything from teacher recruitment and training, to improving communications, to the main topic of Tuesday night’s meeting: school safety.


Sto-Rox School District is looking to hire three police officers as part of a school police force. While some attendees raised concerns about that term, district leaders said they’re not looking for typical officers.


“We want people who can build relationships,” said Zahorchak. He and Skrbin spoke to attendees’ concerns about how officers will respond. School security will have “the ability to arm,” said Culliver, but will not necessarily be armed all the time.


A recent survey said 37% of teachers feel safe at school. The goal for the end of the five-year recovery plan?


“Get that figure to 75%,” said Zahorchak.


Van Fossan reviewed results a student safety survey that questioned students about their classroom experiences. More than 170 Jr./Sr. High School students responded. One of the biggest student concerns was fighting at school.


Van Fossan told community members everything is on the table, from reviewing approaches to discipline, to changing classroom environments to meet their needs.


“We want students to walk out of their school on a path they choose,” said Van Fossan. She explained that plans are in the works to survey younger students.


Parent outreach is also priority. People in attendance expressed a desire to see more events inviting parents into schools to celebrate their children’s accomplishments. District leaders agreed and pointed to upcoming ceremonies at the Upper Elementary and Jr./Sr. High Schools as examples of outreach events that are already in motion.


District leaders also look forward to holding similar town hall meetings in the future, with more students, parents, and community members in attendance.

Links And Information:

Sto-Rox Recovery Plan/Documents

4th/5th Grade Awards Ceremony/Related Events

6th Grade Awards Ceremony/Graduation