Sto-Rox Student Leaders, District Progress Discussed At Board Meeting

Sto-Rox School Directors met Thursday evening at Meyers Ridge Community Center, the first of two events where Sto-Rox School District officials are going into the community to conduct business. District students, residents and parents packed the room where school directors held their meeting, hosted by Meyers Ridge staff. You will find a complete recap of the board meeting and the topics discussed here. Keep reading for a brief roundup of news:

Just Discipline Project

Jennie Smith, coordinator for the Just Discipline Project (JDP), led a group of student leaders to Thursday night’s meeting. This is the first year for the JDP at Sto-Rox Upper Elementary; coordinators like Smith use techniques including healing circles and welcoming circles to help students connect and build community.

Smith introduced six student “Leaders In Training” from 4th, 5th and 6th grades. Each one spoke about how they model and reinforce positive behavior for their classmates, while holding them accountable. They also highlighted upcoming fundraisers and initiatives to support students, like the Upper Elementary’s Reward Game Room. A ‘needs room’ to be filled with supplies is also in the works and will be supported through fundraising efforts.

“It’s very obvious that whatever you’re doing is working,” said Culliver to Smith. “Thank you for what you’re doing.”

Recovery Plan
Chief Recovery Officer Dr. Patrick O’Toole spoke at length about the district’s recovery plan. Sto-Rox is now one year into the five-year plan. O’Toole started in January after the departure of the previous chief recovery officer. He gave several key updates on the district and its finances and operations:

  • Sto-Rox Jr./Sr. High School is not closing. “My intention is not to go in that direction,” he said to a round of applause from meeting attendees.

  • He praised Superintendent Van Fossan for her preparation for a recent tour by State Department of Education officials.

  • He pointed out the district’s progress in reducing its budget deficit from $6.5 million to $2 million as of last June. O’Toole emphasized the importance of replacing federal money from the Covid-19 pandemic and making sure state leaders properly fund school districts like Sto-Rox.

  • He spoke about the work being done on staffing, technology and infrastructure and the importance of working with and supporting everyone and every area of the school experience.

Mural Club
Sara Eve Rivera, owner of PMA Tattoo on Broadway Ave. in McKees Rocks, is helping lead the Sto-Rox Mural Club at the Jr./Sr. High School. She gave an update on the club’s work, and praised the students participating in this growing club. “They’re amazing, they’re very creative,” she said. “I learn a lot from working with them.” The club has already had its work shown in school and at the gallery at Focus on Renewal. 

Communications Specialist Honored
School Directors and Superintendent Megan Van Fossan surprised Communications Specialist Dan Rinkus with a certificate of appreciation ahead of School Communicators Day on Friday, May 12. “Dan is the man,” said School Board President Cameron Culliver, praising his work at keeping the district community informed. “We are light years ahead of where we used to be.” Rinkus started working for the district nearly one year ago, when he was hired by the Allegheny Intermediate Unit. Click here to learn more about his role and the role of Media Relations for the district.

Odds and Ends

  • The school board approved an MOU (memorandum of understanding) with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit’s Head Start and Pre-K Counts Programs to support best practices in transition to Kindergarten in the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years. K-6 Principal Heather Johnston expanded on this, saying she has had monthly meetings related to this initiative, and it is helping. The district is nearing 20 new Kindergarten registrations this year, including five at the last Title I Event in early April. That figure puts the district way ahead of where it was at this time last year, with enrollment in the single digits. This partnership will also spur Johnston to start Kindergarten enrollment even earlier this school year, with the goal of starting in October 2023, as opposed to January 2024.

  • The school board approved an MOU with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Western Pennsylvania for summer camp from June 12 to August 12 at the Upper Elementary for K-6 students. This effort continues to look for staff so offerings can be expanded, but as it stands there will be transportation for the program from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There will also be early drop-off at 7:30 a.m. with an extended day service to 6:00 p.m.

  • The Jr./Sr. High School will also continue to partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh for a school-based mentoring program in the 2023-24 school year.

Looking Ahead
The district will hold a Town Hall Meeting on year one of the state recovery plan on Monday, May 1 at Focus on Renewal from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.  The next scheduled school board meeting will be a combined Agenda Review and Legislative Voting Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 18 at the Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria.