Jr./Sr. Students Put on 'Taste Test' at Upper Elementary

Students at Sto-Rox Primary Center and Upper Elementary got a taste of something a little different last week, thanks to their counterparts at the Jr./Sr. High School. Students from Elena Mott’s Advanced Food Science class prepared, presented and served spaghetti squash and beets on Wednesday, October 18 and Thursday, October 19. Grades Kindergarten through 3rd grade sampled squash, while 4th through 6th grades got to eat beets.

These taste-testing events were made possible by the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). The program provides a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to school districts like Sto-Rox to help students eat more fruits and vegetables and expand the variety of fresh foods they can eat.

RELATED: Sto-Rox Receives $38,000 From Fresh Food Program