Request For Proposals: Therapeutic Services

Request for Proposals
Sto-Rox School District


Sto- Rox School District has an overarching goal to ensure the provision of therapeutic support for children who exhibit a need for these services. The extraordinary circumstances caused by COVID-19 pandemic have left our schools in dire need of creative mental health support. 

This work is expected to begin in August 2023 through September 2024. 

Scope of Work 

  • The provider will provide therapeutic support to Sto-Rox School District students during and possibly out-of-school hours. 

  • The students in need will be linked to services by school social workers or counselors or the SST (Student Success Teams)

  • Providers must be licensed, or licensure eligible

  • Providers will work closely with the district interrupters

  • They will provide a creative approach to support students’ mental wellness needs. This support would be anything on the continuum from school-based therapy to prevention/intervention groups to providing animal–based assistance during times of grief and loss. 

Timetable/Response Submittal 

Sto-Rox School District is requesting proposals from experienced and qualified companies/practitioners.  Selection will be made based upon the proposals submitted. A timetable for the selection process is provided below: 

• 2/27/23: Release of RFP 

• 03/15/2023: Receipt of Proposals 

• 03/16/2023: Recommendation for Selection 

•03/23/23: Legislative Approval by Board 

All proposals shall be submitted to Sto-Rox School District as follows: 

Proposals must be submitted in electronic format to Ms. Van Fossan by 3/15/23

Proposals should be submitted following the instructions detailed below. Sto-Rox School District reserves the right to select a proposal in its entirety or some portion(s) thereof. Furthermore, Sto-Rox School District reserves the right to reject all proposals and to waive irregularities. Any questions regarding this RFP should be addressed to Ms. Van Fossan. Responses should address the following questions or requests for information: 

I. Letter of Transmittal- Each proposal should be accompanied by a letter of transmittal that summarizes key points of the proposal and is signed by an authorized officer. 

II. Experience and Qualifications- Provide brief biographies for the partners and employees supporting Sto-Rox School District, including any relevant experience for each. Please include only those individuals who will work in Sto-Rox School District and specify their role in the project. Please describe relevant experience and training with other school districts using this service. Please provide three references. 

III. Company Information/Equal Employment Opportunity  

• Describe your organization's equal employment opportunity policies and programs. 

• Has your organization or any of its employees, or anyone acting on its behalf, ever been convicted of any crime or offense arising directly or indirectly from the conduct of your organization’s business or have any of your company’s officers, directors or persons exercising substantial policy discretion ever been convicted of any crime or offense, i.e., financial misconduct, fraud or child abuse? If so, please describe any such convictions and surrounding circumstances in detail. 

• Has your organization, or any of its employees, or anyone acting on its behalf, been indicted or otherwise charged in connection with any criminal matter rising directly or indirectly from the conduct of your organization's business which is still pending or have any of your organization’s officers, directors or persons exercising substantial policy discretion been indicted or otherwise charged in connection with any criminal matter, i.e., financial misconduct, fraud or child abuse which is still pending? If so, please describe any such indictments and surrounding circumstances in detail. 

IV. Project Work 

Plan Submit a detailed work plan for performed services, including a timeline for the completion of specific work products. Address all components detailed in the scope of work. Answers to all questions in the addendum section should be included.
V. Fee Proposal 

Please provide a fee structure that your organization would propose to provide for mental health therapy for students, given the scope of services provided in your detailed work plan. The proposals must include the overall cost of all work, as well as hourly or daily rates. 

Evaluation Criteria and Selection Process 

The contract will be awarded to the qualified proposer whose proposal is most advantageous to Sto-Rox School District based on the evaluation criteria specified below. Thus, while the points in the evaluation criteria indicate their relative importance, the total scores will not necessarily be determinative of the award. Rather, the overall scores will guide Sto-Rox School District  in making an intelligent award decision based on the evaluation criteria. Sto-Rox School District  reserves the right to request an interview from those organizations determined to be in a competitive range and shall use the information derived from these interviews, if any, in its evaluation. Sto-Rox School District anticipates selecting one organization using the following criteria: Component Points 

• Adequate number of credentialed staffing with proper clearances when providing therapeutic supports to students to students 40 

• Description of creative ways to provide support 35 

• Compatible data sharing ability 15 

• Cost-effectiveness of proposal 10 

Addendum Data Management and Reporting: 

1. Please describe your data security protocols. 

2. Please describe your confidentiality protocols. 

3. Please describe how and when you will share participant attendance and progress data. 

Fiscal Considerations:

1. What is the entire cost of implementation?  You may attach a separate budget sheet if you prefer. 

a. How often do you bill? 

b. Do you bill for hourly services? 

c. Do you use a Customization rate? How is that rate determined? 

e. Can you provide an itemized invoice? 

2. Do you provide any contractual flexibility and price discount if either party decides to terminate?